Panasonic Battery Pack Safety Notice
Toughbook Laptop CF-AX Series, CF-C2 Series and CF-SX Series
Panasonic Corporation has identified that the battery packs sold in Australia within the Toughbook CF-AX Series, CF-C2 Series & CF-SX Series between April 2013 and March 2016 may overheat and potentially cause a fire hazard due to a battery pack configuration issue.
Products that are affected by this recall notice are as follows:
- • CF-AX2 Series
- • CF-AX3 Series
- • CF-C2 Series
- • CF-SX Series
In order to identify whether your device model may be affected, please check the model of your computer using the below diagram:

To deal with this potential risk Panasonic has developed user-downloadable software to
diagnose the state of the battery and control it to avoid risk of ignition. The battery pack will
not be replaced as the configuration issue will be rectified with the use of
the new software.
For those users affected by the recall notice we ask you to register your details by completing the contact form below. This will enable us to help facilitate the download of software to the device and allow us to answer any questions in relation to the product recall announcement.
Contact Panasonic Australia
Please fill the form below. A Panasonic representative will be in contact within 2 working days to discuss next steps.